2.5D model

After speaking to Kirk Rutter about my project, he told me that creating 3D model might be more complicated than I’m anticipating. So he suggested me to look into 2.5D. 2.5D is between 2D and 3D. It’s most commonly used in gaming softwares but it’s getting recognised in the fashion industry also. It look like… Continue reading 2.5D model

Experimentation with Photogrammetry

I recently took a couple photogrammetry tutorials with Elliot Denman and Kirk Rutter from Digital Learning lab. Photogrammetry is a technique of creating 3D model with the help of photography. You take pictures from every angle and using a software which uses AI, you add the images and the software then combine the images together… Continue reading Experimentation with Photogrammetry

Fashion Media Lab mind mapping

The black arrows are the more important sections for me. This is just the initial thoughts, nothing is absolute final. Most of the pointers down below will be included in the submission for the term. VR/AR/App is the end result. For first submission, I’m taking the term as a technologies experimentation term. I want to… Continue reading Fashion Media Lab mind mapping


The reason I’m posting this is because its my first ever time decorating and having a Christmas tree! I’m a born Hindu and Christmas is not a big occasion for us, Delhi is also a Hindu majority city. Moving to a new city, new country, I am experiencing a new culture and how it’s different… Continue reading MY CHRISTMAS TREE