Design Language Research

In order to have a smooth functioning and visualisation, I was advised to look into design language.

Design language is a standardised guild lines to be followed while making UX.
Things to be considered while making a design language are:

  • Typography,
  • Fonts,
  • Colors,
  • Grid System,
  • Layout Principle,
  • Accessibility Guild lines,
  • UI Components

The purpose of a design language is to provide atomic and sub-atomic elements in your design. This also provides graphic guild lines to UX designers to eliminate unnecessary daily activities and so every designer works with smooth process and a similar aesthetic and design flows through the work. It makes the work smooth and faster for the designer and also provides how elements of design are used to speak to a user.
It identifies what over all visual design of the wireframes will look like.

A way to look at the design process is to identify the meaning of every atomic and sub-atomic element of the wireframe and do a research on how it will be perceived by the users with a ‘Litmus Test’ by observing:

  • What does the colours mean
  • What does the dimensions mean
  • What does the thickness of the boarder mean
  • What does the rounded corner mean
  • What do my font say/mean
  • What does the use of italics mean

By doing this test you will identify the key elements to be used in the wireframes.

The design language will help me with defining my brand aesthetics and also help me with presenting a clear idea of how I want the wireframes to look. This will not only help me eliminate some repetitive tasks but also will be direction for the coder to use and I can also use it to have some graphic designers on board with me to help me create it look more professional.

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